Monday, September 25, 2017

Audition Prep

Brothers Grimm Spectaulathon
Auditions are almost here!
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 3-4, 3-5 p.m.
in Room 58A at Rogers City High School

Take a look at the audition paperwork ahead of time:

  • Audition Form  If you've thought about the questions on the audition form before you arrive, that will save you time and we can get to the fun part faster.
  • Conflict Schedule  I will need to have a record of ALL the conflicts you know of between now and December 3.  You are encouraged to take this home to check your parents' schedules.
You'll be asked to read specific scenes with other students.  Please note that you may be asked to read for parts you're not interested in - read them anyway!  It shows me what you can do.

Audition tips:
  • Directors are not looking for what you do wrong - they are looking for what you do right.  You won't be perfect.  I don't care.  Don't apologize; just keep going and do your best.
  • You will see other actors reading the same scenes as you will read.  Don't try to be like them.  Do it your way.
  • Be aware of the situation the character is in.  How are they feeling?  Let that show in the way you read their lines.
  • If I ask you to change the way you are doing something, it's not a criticism.  I'm testing you to see if you can take direction.  Do your best to make the change, even if you don't agree with it.
  • Be mentally present.  Pay attention.  Make eye contact.  Smile.  Leave your phone in your pocket.  And have fun!
Call or text with any questions - 309-840-1719.
See you at auditions!
-Mrs. Riddle

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