Brothers Grimm Spectaulathon
Auditions are almost here!
Auditions are almost here!
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 3-4, 3-5 p.m.
in Room 58A at Rogers City High School
Take a look at the audition paperwork ahead of time:
- Audition Form If you've thought about the questions on the audition form before you arrive, that will save you time and we can get to the fun part faster.
- Conflict Schedule I will need to have a record of ALL the conflicts you know of between now and December 3. You are encouraged to take this home to check your parents' schedules.
Audition tips:
- Directors are not looking for what you do wrong - they are looking for what you do right. You won't be perfect. I don't care. Don't apologize; just keep going and do your best.
- You will see other actors reading the same scenes as you will read. Don't try to be like them. Do it your way.
- Be aware of the situation the character is in. How are they feeling? Let that show in the way you read their lines.
- If I ask you to change the way you are doing something, it's not a criticism. I'm testing you to see if you can take direction. Do your best to make the change, even if you don't agree with it.
- Be mentally present. Pay attention. Make eye contact. Smile. Leave your phone in your pocket. And have fun!
See you at auditions!
-Mrs. Riddle