Wednesday, September 25, 2019

auditions. woot.

for the fall high school play
this Saturday, September 28, 9a to noon
at the Rogers City Theater

This year's play:
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.
It's awesome.

Production dates will be December 12-15. Rehearsals start October 5.  I think.

audition scenes are attached below. Kinda awkward, but the best I could do. Printouts are also available in the school office.

Text the director, Mrs. Riddle, any time. Can't make auditions? Yeah, text. We'll figure something out.

Hope to see you Saturday.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Good news, guys...the fall play is just around the corner!!!  

This year's production will be...

It's a show about a little old lady, her three horrible adult children, a doctor, a nurse, and five sweetly insane people.  The Curious Savage is a gentle comedy with great characters, and I can't wait to get started on it!

PERFORMANCE dates are December 6-9.  AUDITIONS will be October 16 & 17, 3-5p in 58A.  Audition scenes (sorry they're hard to read - best I could do for now) and character descriptions are attached below - check them out and be prepared! 

Oh, and I almost forgot...anyone and everyone is invited to an AUDITION WORKSHOP on Wednesday, October 10, after school til 4:30.  Come for theater games and audition tips and just because it's fun.

Yay for theater!!!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Audition Prep

Brothers Grimm Spectaulathon
Auditions are almost here!
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 3-4, 3-5 p.m.
in Room 58A at Rogers City High School

Take a look at the audition paperwork ahead of time:

  • Audition Form  If you've thought about the questions on the audition form before you arrive, that will save you time and we can get to the fun part faster.
  • Conflict Schedule  I will need to have a record of ALL the conflicts you know of between now and December 3.  You are encouraged to take this home to check your parents' schedules.
You'll be asked to read specific scenes with other students.  Please note that you may be asked to read for parts you're not interested in - read them anyway!  It shows me what you can do.

Audition tips:
  • Directors are not looking for what you do wrong - they are looking for what you do right.  You won't be perfect.  I don't care.  Don't apologize; just keep going and do your best.
  • You will see other actors reading the same scenes as you will read.  Don't try to be like them.  Do it your way.
  • Be aware of the situation the character is in.  How are they feeling?  Let that show in the way you read their lines.
  • If I ask you to change the way you are doing something, it's not a criticism.  I'm testing you to see if you can take direction.  Do your best to make the change, even if you don't agree with it.
  • Be mentally present.  Pay attention.  Make eye contact.  Smile.  Leave your phone in your pocket.  And have fun!
Call or text with any questions - 309-840-1719.
See you at auditions!
-Mrs. Riddle

Sunday, September 24, 2017


for the fall high school play
The Brothers Grimm
Tuesday & Wednesday
October 3-4, Room 58a
3:00 - 5:00 p.m. each day
 Come when you can!

Show performance dates: Nov. 30-Dec. 3

Parts of all sizes available.
Brothers Grimm is a comedy...
come to auditions ready to be silly. 

Want to be a part of the show without being on stage? 
Text Mrs. Riddle at (309) 840-1719 to let her know 
or stop by auditions for a volunteer form.  
Lots of help needed - service hours available!

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Big Announcement, 2017

The next high school play will be.....
    drum roll, please.....

The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon!

Never heard of it?  Neither had I.  But it's one of the top ten most popular plays being done by high schools all over the country.  And the first time I read it I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't breathe.

Related imageThe Spectaculathon is a mixed-up re-telling of the Brothers Grimm tales, from Snow White to Little Red, with lots of unknown stories thrown in as well.  All the original gory endings are kept in, and the whole thing is one big ball of silliness.  The cast can be anywhere from 5 to 43 people, with parts from tiny two-line walk-ons to really big challenges that will require really talented actors.  

Anyone else excited??

Auditions will be the first week of October (that's only a few weeks away!!!!), and the performances will be the first weekend of December.

Lots more information will be available soon.  But if you want, you can read the script (and laugh your socks off) right now at  (You'll have to share an email address to be able to read it.)  

There are video clips of the show online, but I haven't seen any that really do the play justice.  You're a lot better off just reading it.

Hey, we want lots of people to know about this thing - so spread the word!  It's a great play for people who have never been on a stage before but sort of want to give it a try.  You guys are good at social media - get the word out!

Monday, November 7, 2016


Auditions for the upcoming RCHS+ play, The Miracle Worker, will be held
Tuesday - Thursday, November 15-17.  
The director will be auditioning in room 58A
3-4:30 Tuesday & Thursday and 3-4 Wednesday.  
You are welcome to come for more than one of the audition times, but it is not required.

If you can not make it to any of the scheduled audition times, please contact the director at the numbers below to arrange for a private audition.

Audition Helps
Pre-audition paperwork is available on this blog page, in the school office, and from Mrs. Wozniak.  Actors are welcome to use the links below to help prepare for a great audition.

Character List 
Audition Form (May be filled out in advance and brought to auditions)
Audition Scenes

Check back later this week for audition tips and a list of what the director will be looking for at auditions.

Contact the director any time for any reason!
  Mrs. Riddle
  309-840-1719 (call or text)

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Big Announcement

For RCHS students interested in being a part of the 2016-17 high school play...

We will be performing the drama The Miracle Worker. (Yay!!!)

The Miracle Worker, which tells the story of blind and deaf child Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan, is humorous, heartbreaking and uplifting all at once.  It calls for ten to fifteen energetic actors.  The largest roles call for strong and fearless females willing to put a lot of work into rehearsal.  Intermediate and smaller roles are also available, and much backstage help will be needed.

* The director is seeking two students to serve as stage managers.  The ideal stage manager would be organized, intelligent, able to work on several things at once, and willing to take charge of a situation when needed.  Does this make you think of someone who might be just the right sort of person?  Contact Mrs. Riddle to share their name.

Auditions:  November 15-16, 2016
Rehearsals begin November 29
Show dates: February 9-12, 2017  (Get it on your calendar now!)

Audition scenes and tips will be available at the beginning of November.

Contact info for Mrs. Riddle, director:
  (309) 840-1719 cell - call or text

Character Descriptions

Annie Sullivan - Helen's teacher; outspoken, stubborn and strong; also full of fears that she works hard to keep inside.  Requires intense physical scenes.

Helen Keller - young girl who lost her vision and hearing as a baby; almost animal-like, unable to communicate her wants and needs to others except through violent outbursts. Requires intense physical scenes.

Kate Keller - Helen's mother; Fiercely protective of Helen; Learning to stand up to traditional male/female roles and to be strong enough to let go.

Captain Keller - Helen's father; retired Civil War officer; Loves his family but has old fashioned opinions about the role of husbands, wives, and children in a household.

James Keller - Helen's half-brother; witty, sarcastic, and inclined to feel sorry for himself until he learns a different kind of strength

Aunt Ev - Outspoken aunt to Helen; could almost be called a busybody.

Mr. Anagnos - headmaster of a school for the blind; feisty and kind.

Viney - the Keller family servant; stable and good-humored.

Martha and Percy - playmates to Helen.

Doctor - doctor who gives medical care to Helen as a baby.

Children - children at the school for the blind who don't want Annie to leave them.

Jimmie and Crones - mysterious figures from Annie's past.

------> See you at auditions!!